Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Hcm Chapter 10 11 12

CHAPTER 1 Social Influence The effect that words, actions, or presence of people have on our attitudes, thoughts, feelings and behavior Construal The way people interpret the social environment. (How do you construe someone's behavior? Is it polite, rude etc? ) Individual differences aspects of personalities that makes people unique Social psych analyses the individual in the context of a social situation, and it aims to identify universal human nature traits that makes everyone susceptible to social influences, regardless of social class or culture Fundamental attribution error xplaining our own or other peoples' behavior based on personality characteristics alone. Underestimates social influence Behaviorism Approach to understanding behavior through only reinforcing properties of events. (Positive, negative, punishment, operant conditioning) Gestalt psych Studies subjective way in which an object appears in peoples' minds, rather than the objective, physical attributes of the subje ct. Like perceiving a painting as a whole instead of the sum of its parts. Self-esteem The degree to which one views oneself as good, competent and decentSocial cognition how people select, interpret, remember and use social information to make judgments and decisions. CHAPTER 2 Hindsight Bias Exaggeration of how much one could predict an outcome after knowing that it already happened Observational method No random assignment, not experimental, view and record measurements of natural behavior Difficult to analyse certain behavior which occur rarely or in private (peoples' willingness to help a rape victim Ethnography Study of cultures by observing from the inside ie being a part of it Interrater reliability eliability of an experiment based on level of agreement from 2 or more independent judges Archival analysis Secondary source information based on historical records like newspapers, diaries etc. But information is limited and may be incomplete or inaccurate, and there is no way t o prove it Correlational method 2 variables that are measured and linear relationship observed Correlation coefficient degree to which 2 variables are directly related to one another Surveys Asked questions about attitudes or behaviorCan judge relationship between variables that are difficult to observe and are capable of sampling representative segments of the population Random selection To ensure good representation. Experimental method random assignment to different conditions, ensuring that there is no bias Each respondent has equal chance of being picked with no bias. Ensures conditions are identical except for the independent variable Independent variable Variable that is changed to see if it has an effect on some other variable Dependent variable Variable that is influenced by the independent variable.Dependent variable depends on the level of independent variable. p-value Significant if the value is less than 5% that the results might be due to chance factors. Internal valid ity Degree to which items within the test measure the construct. Nothing besides the independent variable can affect the dependent variable. By controlling for all extraneous variables and random assignment External validity Extent to which experiment can be generalised to other situations Psychological realism extent to which psychological process in an experiment are similar to those that occur in everyday lifeCover story disguised version of a study's true purpose. This increases psych realism as the story makes people feel they are in a real event. Field research Increases external validity by studying behavior outside the lab in natural settings Replications Ultimate test of external validity. Generalised to different settings, people etc. Meta-analysis Averages results of 2 or more studies to see if the effect of an independent variable is reliable. Basic research Done purely out of curiosity to find answers Applied research Intends to solve particular problems Cross-cultural researchResearch done with other cultures to see if psychological processes are present or if unique to certain cultures Informed consent Agreement to participate, full awareness of the nature of experiment that is explained in advance Deception Misleading participants about true purpose of study Institutional review board reviews reasearch and its ethicality before allowing it to be conducted. must include at least 1 scientist, nonscientist and person nonaffiliated with institution. Debriefing Explaining to participants the true purpose of study and what transpired at the end of the experiment. CHAPTER 3 Automatic thinkingUnconscious, involuntary, effortless Controlled thinking is more effortful and deliberate Schemas mental structures that organise our knowledge about the social world, which influence the information we notice, think and remember. Applied to race or sex, schemas are stereotypes. We have schemas because they help us figure out whats going on. Accessibility extent t o which schemas and concepts are at the forefront of peoples' minds and therefore likely to be used when making judgments about the social world. Priming Automatic thinking. Process by which recent experiences increase accessibility of a schema, trait or concept. ome chronically accessible due to past experience – constantly active and ready to use to interpret ambiguous situations accessible because it is related to a current goal accessible because of recent experiences Self-fulfilling Prophecy Prediction that causes an event to come true based on positive reinforcements between belief and behavior Peoples expectations of what another is like -> influences how they act to the person -> causes a reaction consistent with peoples' original expectations -; makes expectations come true Often occurs but in some occasions, peoples' true nature will win out in social interactionJudgmental heuristic mental strategy and shortcut to make quick and effective judgments. Using schemas. A vailability heuristic Basing a judgment on self or others on the ease with which you bring something to mind. Linked to accessibility. But sometimes what is easily recalled is not typical of overall picture, leading to wrong conclusions Representativeness heuristic Classifying something according to how similar it is to a typical case. Like how similar Wang Nan is to all China people. Or scoring well in tests because asian Base Rate Information Information about relative frequency of members of different categories in the populationContents of our Schemas is influenced by our culture Differences in Western and Eastern Culture Western: Analytic Thinking – focusing on properties of objects without considering surrounding context (individualistic culture influence) Eastern: Holistic Thinking – focus on the overall context, in ways that objects relate to each other (collective culture) Controlled thinking thinking that is conscious, intentional, voluntary and effortful. Ca n switch on and off at will. Counterfactual thinking mentally changing some aspect of the past as a way of imagining what might have been. Aiyah why never get gold but i got silverThought suppression Attempt to avoid thinking about something we would prefer to forget. Like ex gf, stomachache etc. Monitoring process – automatic part, searches for evidence that the unwanted thought is about to intrude the consciousness. Then the operating process – controlled part comes into play. The effortful attempt to distract oneself by finding something else to think of. When one is lacking in energy or preoccupied (under cognitive load), the operating process lets the intruding thought go unchecked leading to hyperaccessibility – the unwanted thought occurs with high frequency The ore you try not to think of something, the more it intrudes. Overconfidence barrier People usually have too much confidence in the accuracy of judgments (sure pass! sure this sure that) break this barrier by addressing overconfidence directly, giving possibility of them being wrong teach people directly some basic statistical and methodological principles to learn how to reason correctly, and hoping they will apply these principles CHAPTER 4 Social Perception study of how we form impressions of and make inferences about others Nonverbal communication how people communicate intentionally or unintentionally without words. ody language, touch etc. Mirror neurons brain cell that respond when we perform an action and when we see someone else perform the same action. When people yawn, we yawn. automatically and involuntarily. Encode Express nonverbal behavior like smiling Decode To interpret the meaning of nonverbal behavior. was the smile genuine or sarcastic 6 major emotions that can be recognised cross-culturally happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise, disgust. Maybe contempt and pride. Affect blends one part of the face registers one emotion while another part registers a i fferent emotion. blend of anger and disgust. This makes decoding sometimes inaccurate Display rules particular to each culture, and dictate the type of emotions people should show. Emblems gestures with clear, well understood definitions – middle finger, gangsta Implicit personality theory Type of schema used to group various personality traits together. Someone who is kind is also generous Relying on schemas might lead us to make wrong assumptions, might even resort to sterotype One culture's implicit personality theory might be different from another.America has â€Å"Artistic personality† but Chinese have no schema for that. Attribution theory how we infer causes of people's behavior Internal attribution Attribute a behavior to someone's personal traits didn't give money cos selfish External attribution Attribute behavior to a situation outside of person's traits didn't give money cos train was coming Covariation model To form a rational and logical attribution abou t what caused a behavior, we note the pattern between the presence or absence of possible causal factors and whether or not the behavior occurs. why she dont lend me? did she use to lend me? does she lend to others? † Consensus information extent to which others behave the same way towards the same stimulus as me (low consensus: boss only yells at me) Distinctiveness info how the actor responds to other stimuli (low distinctiveness: boss yells at others too) Consistency information frequency with which the observed behavior between same actor and same stimulus occur over time and circumstance (high consistency: boss yells at me everytime he sees me) When the above info combine into a pattern, attribution is made.Internal attribution – consensus and distinctiveness low, consistency high External attribution – consensus, distinctiveness, consistency high Situational attribution – assumes something unusual because consistency low. People rely more on consiste ncy and distinctiveness info and less on consensus info. Correspondence bias Tendency to infer that peoples' behavior corresponds to their dispositions and personality. I sit on reserved seat because i am disrespectful Perceptual salience seeming importance of information that is the focus of people's attention. If we can't see the situation, we ignore its importance. e pay attention to people instead (easier to see than the situation) and tend to think that they cause their own behavior. Two step process of making attributions 1. Internally attribute. (quickly and spontaneously) 2. Then adjust this attribution by considering the situation the person was in. But often, we don't adjust enough, and when we are distracted or preoccupied, we skip this step, making an extreme internal attribution. (requires effort and conscious attention) if we consciously slow down and think carefully, and if we're motivated to reach an accurate judgment, we will go the 2nd step.Actor/observer differenc e tendency to see other people's behavior as caused by personality but to see one's own behavior as caused by situations Because of perceptual salience – notice other's behavior more than the situation. notice our own situation more than our behavior. What is most salient to me? i don't always look inward. I look outward and therefore my situation more than myself. Because of information availability. I know more about myself so have more consistency and distinctiveness information about myself. and therefore EXTERNALLY ATTRIBUTE. Self-serving attribution endency to take credit for my success by internal attribution, but blame others or situation for failure. Really just want to maintain self-esteem by doing so. We also just want others to think well of us. Due to the type of information available to people, I know i didn't score well for the test because it is unfair. I know i am smart. but my teacher thinks i am stupid. Different info. Defensive attributions explanations fo r behavior that defend us from vulnerability and mortality feelings believing that bad things only happen to bad people. or terminal diseases happen to us and we take steps to deny the fact. Belief in a just world) In countries with extreme rich and poor, just world beliefs are more common, compared with countries with more evenly distributed wealth. Self-serving bias prevalent in many western societies but less in Asian cultures where values of modesty and harmony is valued (china, japan etc) Individualistic cultures – look outside themselves to explain failure Collectivistic cultures – look inward to explain failure, garnering sympathy and compassion which strengthens harmony between people CHAPTER 5 Self-concept knowledge about who we are Self-awareness act of thinking about ourselvesCocktail party effect – in a crowded room yu catch someone say ur name with selective attention. after hearing own name in irrelevant stream, percentage of errors for the relevan t stream increased spotlight effect – mistaken impressino that ppl are noticing u actually only 23% Self-awareness and self-concept combine to create identity. As children, we have concrete self-concepts, referencing clear-cut observable characteristics like age, sex, hobbies. As adults, we emphasise psychological states and considerations of how others judge us Independent view of self Defining oneself in terms of one's own internal thoughts, feelings, and actions.Interdependent view of self Defining oneself in terms of relationships with others and recognising that behavior is often determined by thought, feelings, and actions of others. Westerns take more to independent sense of self than Asian culture. Women have more relational interdependence – focusing more on relationships. More likely to discuss emotions than men Men have collective interdependence – focusing on memberships in larger groups. Like sports teams Self-awareness theory when people focus atte ntion on themselves, they evaluate and compare behavior to internal standards and values. hen people are self-aware, it reminds them of a sense of right and wrong and are less likely to err. East asians likely to have outside perspective of self (how others see them). Western have insider perspective (individualistic) Causal theories Theories about what influences feelings and behavior like â€Å"absence makes the heart grow fonder† Reason-generated attitude change attitude change resulting from thinking about the reasons for your attitudes. you assume your attitude matches the reasons that are plausible and easy to verbalise. break up because she chews gum loudly.Self-perception theory when our feelings and attitudes are uncertain, we infer the feelings by observing our behavior and the situation which it occurs. We infer only when we are not sure how we feel. And we judge whether our behavior really reflects how we feel or because it is the situation that made us act that w ay. not sure if i like classical music. but i listen to 92. 4 willingly. therefore i must love classical music. if gf listens to korean song and not me who tuned in, then i am unlikely to conclude that i listen because i like it Intrinsic motivation esire to engage in an activity because i enjoy it Extrinsic motivation desire to engage because of the rewards that come with it According to self-perception theory, If i were initially intrinsically motivated, but was instead paid to do it, the motivation will slowly change to extrinsic and i'll eventually lose pure interest for it. Over-justification effect results when i view my behavior as caused by extrinsic reasons, making me underestimate the extent to which the behavior is caused by intrinsic reasons Task-contingent rewards rewards for doing a task regardless of resultsPerformance-contingent rewards rewards from how well i perform a task 2 factor theory of emotion idea that emotional experience is a result of a 2-step self-percep tion process in which i first experience physiological arousal then seek an appropriate explanation for it. Misattribution of arousal making mistaken inferences about what is causing them to feel the way they do standing on a swaying bridge and receiving a request to do a survey from a chiobu. your initial heightened heart rate due to the scary bridge is misattributed to u liking the girl Appraisal theories of emotionYour emotion depends on the way you interpret or explain the event, in the absense of psychological arousal. You want to go med sch. your friend gets in instead. you feel threatened and therefore moody. Fixed mindset we have a set amount of an ability that cannot change. fixed intelligence, athletic ability etc. likely to give up after setbacks. less likely to hone skills Growth mindset abilities are malleable qualities that can cultivate and grow. view setbacks as opportunities to improve Social comparison theory learn about own abilities and attitudes by comparing wit h othersDownward social comparison compare with someone lousier to feel better about myself Upward social comparison compare with someone better to have a goal to strive towards Social tuning groups of friends or people adopting similar attitudes through social influence Self-regulatory resource model stats that we must have plenty of energy when we are trying to control our actions. Suggests that the level of glucose in the bloodstream is spent when we exert self-control Impression management attempt to get others to see me the way i want to be seen. FacebookIngratiation using flattery or praise to make myself likeable to another, often a higher-status person (ANGKAT) self-handicapping people create obstacles and excuses for themselves so if they do poorly on a task, people avoid blaming themselves. Self-handicap by creating obstacles that reduce the likelihood they will succeed on a task. So if they fail, they blame on these obstacles rather than lack of ability. Includes drugs, a lcohol, failure to prepare Also by devising ready-made excuses in case they fail. Test anxiety, moods, symptoms, events from the past.We may evntually believe the excuses and exert less effort in future. People dislike others who self-handicap so they run the risk of informal sanctions. Eastern cultures like to save face more than western cultures, and have a more independent view of themselves than ang moh. CHAPTER 6 Cognitive dissonance the feeling of discomfort when you hold 2 or more inconsistent cognitions. caused by an action that is usually against one's usual, typically positive self-conception reduce dissonance by: changing behavior (stop smoking) changing dissonant cognitions (nah.. igs don't cause cancer) adding new cognitions (my grandpa smoke so much also never kena) people experiencing dissonance deny or distort reality to reduce it. Impact bias when people think of how they will react to future negative events, they overestimate the intensity of duration of their nega tive emotional reactions. Like overestimate emo-time when u break up The need to maintain self-esteem leads us to rationalise our behavior, which may not be rational thinking. Post-decisional dissonance when after making a decision you believe more in your choice and devaluate the rejected choice. he more important and more difficult to revoke the decision, the greater the dissonance. eg which car to by vs which cup irrevocability of a decision always increases dissonance and the motivation to reduce it. lowballing technique – initially quote low price, after customer decides to buy, say it was an error, actual price is higher. frequently customer will still buy. Because there is already a commitment of sorts. Decision to behave immorally Cheating – if u didnt see the chem paper you wouldn't have gotten into SMU Dissonance theory says i'll justify the action by minimising the negative aspects of the action i chose. . e. changing my attitude about cheating that it is no t so bad and everyone does it. In terms of personal values: the cheat and non-cheat initially starts at the same attitude. after one decides their path, the attitude towards cheating diverges sharply as a consequence of actions, moving towards one extreme (from its not bad vs it's not good diverge to cheating is no big deal. vs expel cheaters! ) Justification of effort tendency for individuals to increase their liking for something they worked hard to attain. the tougher the initiation, the more we like the group (go OCS i like it so much)External justification reason for dissonant personal behavior that resides outside the individual, in order to receive a large reward or avoid severe punishment friend altered an ugly dress so now cannot return. since she already changed it, just tell her u like it. you don't want to hurt her by saying it sucks. Internal justification reduction of dissonance by changing something about oneself like attitude. when cannot find external justification, will attempt to find internal. if the same friend is very rich and buying another dress isn't a problem, your external justifying reasons for lying to her is minimal. o you experience internal justification, by noticing some good things about the dress. eventually, you will like the fugly dress. This is counterattitudinal advocacy – occurs when we claim to have an opinion that differs from our true beliefs. when we do this with little external justification, and more internal justific, we will believe it's more and more like the lie we told. Hypocrisy induction arousal of dissonance by making statements that counter peoples' behaviors and then reminding them of the inconsistency between what they advocated and their behavor.This purpose is to lead individuals to more responsible behavior counterattitudinal advocacy example. people who are made mindful of their hypocrisy between the statements they make and their initial beliefs begin to practice what they preach. Insufficien t punishment dissonance when individuals lack sufficient external justification for having resisted a desired activity or object, usually resulting in devaluing the forbidden activity or object. insufficient punishment causes insufficient external justification, which makes one internally justify. eg. child bully. f punishment is harsh – sufficient external justification (i dont beat him cos teacher will cane). if punishment is mild, (why am i not beating him up? ) the bully will refrain from beating, even though he wants to. but he lacks complete justification for not beating, so he will reduce dissonance by convincing himself that he does not really want to beat up the guy. Small reward or mild punishment leads to internal justification -; self-persuasion -; lasting change. Self-persuasion long-lasting form of attitude change that results from attempts at self-justification. ore permanent that direct attempts at persuasion by others because persuasion takes place internally . Ben franklin effect when we do a favour for a person we do not like, we will end up liking the person more. How do u hate your victims? convince yourself that the ppl u killed are less than human convince yourself they deserved to be hurt similar to nazis convincing themselves jews are subhuman Dissonance-reducing behavior less prevalent in collectivist cultures on the surface. Also may be that self-justification occurs in collectivistic societies in more communal ways. In japan, dissonance reduced after saying a boring task is interesting.In addition, if a jap observes a person he knows and likes saying the that the boring task is interesting, he himself will experience dissonance and change attitudes. CHAPTER 8 Conformity Changing one's behavior due to real or imagined influences of others Informational social influence influence of others leads us to conform because we see them as a source of info to guide behavior. We believe that others' interpretation of an ambiguous situati on is more accurate than ours, and will help us choose an appropriate course of action. women learning what an attractive body is from family, friends and media. en's body must be muscular (mens health, gyms etc) Private acceptance conform to behavior of others because genuinely believe that the other people are correct Public compliance conform to behavior of others without necessarily believing what they do is correct. to avoid looking silly or foolish. By wanting to get things right, you are more susceptible to informational social influence. In low importance conditions – conform to others less than in high importance conditions. (same answers for CAT and AS midterm) The more important the decision is to us, the more we will rely on others for information.Contagion rapid spread of emotions or behavior through a crowd eg mass panic of war of the worlds Mass psychogenic illness occurrence of similar physical symptoms with no known physical cause in a group of people. begins with one or a few reporting physical symptoms, then others who observe these sick people were more likely to fall sick too. Mass media also disseminates mass psychogenic illness quickly. maybe H1N1 swine flu n sars. Ambiguous situation The more uncertain you are, the more u will rely on others. Crisis situation we see how others respond and do likewise (stampedes) When others are experts he more expertise a person has, he will be a valuable guide in an ambiguous situation Social norms rules for acceptable behaviors, values and beliefs deviants can be ridiculed, punished, rejected Normative social influence when influence of others leads us to conform to be liked and accepted by them. (all the 369 tattoos on forehead) results in public compliance and not necessarily private acceptance we tend to wear what's stylish but do u really believe that mat caps are that nice? women's attempts to create ideal body that u learnt through informational influence. men go gym Asch line (long line study) onformity occured because of fear of being the lone dissenter we conform for normative reasons because we dont want social disapproval even from complete strangers. also, we feel discomfort and tension when we stand up for beliefs and go against the group What if you resist normative social influence? group will try to align you with their beliefs by increased communication through teasing and long discussions if all fails, then start to say negative things and withdraw from me Cultural definitions of attractive body changes throughout the years. last time, fat girl was attractive, because looks healthy and fertile.Today, models all so skinny. Jap culture places great emphasis on conformity than american culture. Normative pressure to be skinny is more for Japs than americans Social impact theory likelihood that i respond to social influence by others depends on strength: how important to me is the group? immediacy: how close is the group to me in space and time during the at tempt to influence me? number: how many people in the group? conformity will increase as the factors above increase. Group size and social impact Conformity increased when no of group increased. beyond 3 people, conformity does not increase much.Groups we identify strongly with and we like will exert more normative influence on us. Conforming to a group earns idiosyncracy credits (can occasionally deviate from group norms without sanction) When no one else in the group believes the same as you, normative social influence is the highest. You tend to conform to them. But if you have 1 ally, pressure to conform greatly decreases. (12 angry men example) when group's culture is collectivistic, people are highly conforming because of factors like cooperation and loyalty. Conformity in collective cultures is a valued trait. but in western it is a negative trait.Hunting/Fishing culture (western) values assertiveness and independence. Agriculture (eastern) values value cooperative, conformit y. Minority influence case where minority of group members influence behavior of majority. through consistency. keep expressing the same view, and different members of minority must agree with one another. majority eventually takes notice. minorities exert influence through informational means, not normative. Majorities obtain public compliance through normative influence Minorities obtain private acceptance through informational influence. 12 angry men best example. Injunctive norms eoples' perceptions of what behaviors are approved or disapproved by others. Motivate behavior through punishment or rewards. Littering is wrong. â€Å"DO NOT LITTER† more powerful in the face but promote normative conformity. (public compliance) Descriptive norms perceptions of how people actually behave in given situations, regardless of whether behavior is approved by others or not. Motivate behavior by informing people about what is effective or adaptive behavior. Littering is wrong (injuncti ve). There are times where people are likely to litter (Descriptive norms) â€Å"LITTERING IS NOT WHAT PEOPLE DO HERE†Less powerful in the face but promote informational influence. creates positive change. Boomerang effect by giving an â€Å"average† as a norm, people who usually did less than the average might end up increasing the activity to meet the â€Å"average†, thereby defeating the purpose of decreasing the undesirable behavior. For example alcohol drinking. â€Å"descriptive norm + injunctive norm† mixed messages will have a positive effect on cutting down undesirable behavior. â€Å"you used this much energy. On average, households use x amount of energy a day (descriptive – what society does).You used X+2 energy >:( (the face showing disapproval is injunctive – what is viewed as wrong. ) Obedience to authority behavior of soldiers made killing seem like the right thing (informational influence) and soldiers wanted to avoid rejec tion from others (normative influence) my lai village massacre. Milgram's studies Authority say â€Å"it is essential you continue† difficult to say no to insistent authority Normative influence – acting on their influence in order to be accepted by others When the authority left the room lack of informational influence When authority was replaced by a regular person he lacks expertise, no incentive to followImportance of authority figures when 2 authority figures disagreed about whether to continue the study, thereby creating ambigous definition of the situation, 100% of the participants stopped conforming. Other reasons we obey Conforming to the wrong norm Once u follow one norm, it is hard to switch midstream. (slowly realising that delivering electric shocks was not good but still continued) Difficult to abandon the â€Å"obey authority† norm in Milgram because: experiment was fast-paced, preventing reflection on the situation. of self-justification. Initial agreement to do the test created internal pressure to obey subsequently.As participants delivered each shock, they justified in their heads, and each successive ladder made it hard to decide when to stop (215 and 230 volts not much different) of loss of personal responsibility. Experimenters are responsible for end results, and i am â€Å"just following orders† Unethical studies have Deception hiding true purpose of the study No true informed consent not told of the full details of study Psychological distress Not told they had right to withdraw Inflicted insight when the study ended, some learnt things about themselves that they didnt agree to beforehand (like obey orders to hurt someone)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Income statement

The following set of numbers represents my net operating cash flow: IQ -$339,925, Q -$108,188 Q -$42,128, Q $197,078. Based on my pro-formula cash flow which were for IQ -$339,925, Q – $108,792 Q -$109,915, Q $539,469, and going back and understanding the concept of pro-rata formula and budgets, I was not successful in implementation of these concepts. The reason being is that my projections in comparison of my results, I was if by $342,391. The first three quarters it appears that my decisions were successful as my results were beating my projections, but by making the decision to â€Å"throw all my chips in† I did not apply any decision making strategy, which proved to hurt my results.I definitely think that if I were to complete the simulation again I would be able to apply pro-formula statements and budgets successfully, with knowledge, throughout all four quarters. In successfully applying the pro-formula concept; I would have been able to take my numbers end from the previous quarter, such as inventory, accounts receivable, and fixed assets, and used my computer based so, I could make any necessary adjustments, like reduce my manufacturing costs or increase production and marketing costs to have a better bottom line at the end of that quarter. This process would have allowed me to make logical and intentional decisions had I fully understood the concept during the simulation. 2. A.The Just in Time approach was designed and first implements by the Toyota manufacturing company in Japan. It's entire purpose and concept is to optimize the production process while eliminating waste. Waste is considered to be things such as, but not limited to; cost of inventory, defective items, and the time an employee sends waiting for equipment or supplies to come in (Roy, 2005, p. 160-161). The following are the results for each quarter in regards to my ending inventory; IQ O Q 23 Q 113 Q 0. The fact that my ending inventory increased each quarter shows that I really wasn't quite sure what I was doing, but after reviewing the lessons, I realize that my increase in ending inventory ended up costing the company money.The way that I could have implemented the Just in Time approach, is to better understand what the actual demand for my product was and then to adjust my production levels based on the actual sales of the previous quarter. If I were able to implement the approach, I would have been able to set my base production level lower than what my projections were incase sales dropped, but then if I were to seeing sales pick up, I could increase my production and order supplies as necessary. This would greatly increase my operational efficiency as it would reduce my ending inventory and only be ordering and using the supplies needed, thus reducing the cost and time to the customer and increasing my profits and customer satisfaction. B.Lean Operations being externally and have a more central focus on the customer, meaning that the process can be optimized by adjusting operations and processes based on a customer perspective (Higher, Render, 2011, p 636). Unfortunately due to my confusion during the simulation I did not apply the concept. If I had been able to apply the concepts though I would have developed a system that could have allowed me to better predict my customers' wants rather than guessing as well as putting my clients' needs first. The first way that I could have been successful is Just by simply choosing the correct target audience. In doing so, I could've saved a lot of time and money on marketing and focused those resources into activities that would further support and enhance my business.Since the overall goal of lean operations is to remove all non-value add activities, if I were able to implement this strategy, I would have been much more successful as my cost would be lower as well as had higher sales results based on better customer satisfaction. All of this would in turn allow my business to be running closer to optimum operational efficiency. . Work cells allow a single product to be developed further in stage by a single machine/area and don't require movement to a separate location to continue development. This is generally an automated process done so by machines, which the newer machines can be combined with older ones, therefore reducing the company's need to replace expensive machinery more frequently. There is great benefit to this process as it eliminates the buildup of inventory at various parts to their next phase in completion.Cost would also be reduced as work cells typically require fewer workers, thus reducing labor costs. In the simulation, since my product had so many different parts and assembly requirements, work cells would greatly benefit this type of industry as the individual parts can all be assembled in separate work cells and then brought together for final assembly. While initially my cost with straight line production are lower as it requires l ess training and less accountability of the employees, work cells would end up being cheaper in the long run. The simulation also did not account for employee happiness which work cells would have a direct effect on.Due to employees being less engaged ND not being required to be accountable for the products quality in a straight line production, they would be unhappy with work and in turn be less productive. By implementing work cells, I would create a sense of pride and empowerment in the employees thus improving productivity as well as quality. I would also be able to hold the separate cells accountable for their finished products and praise where appropriate or reprimand when necessary. By using work cells, I would be completely content with paying a larger cost initially to increase productivity and quality in the Eng run; thus after a certain amount of time, work cells would actually be cheaper and save the company money and inevitably increase profits. 4.As previously stated, my decisions during the simulation were not based on any definite rational as I became lost and confused rather quickly, but I am able to look back on the simulation and consider it more as a what-if and apply the safety stock concept in theory. In the simulation, since the company was a new business, safety stock would have been a very useful concept to utilize. At the beginning all of my projections were Just hat, projections, they were not founded on historical numbers. By apply the safety stock concept; I would have given myself the appropriate safety net to allow for my projections to align with the actual demand of the product without any interruption to manufacturing.When reviewing my ending inventory for each quarter, I have come to the conclusion that I ended up with too much safety stock and incurred more carrying costs than were necessary. I could have decreased my production, thereby reducing my ending inventory, and lowering my carrying costs. 5. My preferred mutinous i mprovement program that I would have liked to implement in my company would be Six Sigma. I like this program as it provides a comprehensive, thorough investigation into all aspects of the company and focuses specifically on taking past errors and identifying how they could have been prevented. Particularly in the simulation the first area I would have evaluated and fixed would be management.The company would have fared much better had I been in partnership with an individual who had a better knowledge base and understanding of how to run a company. By applying Six Sigma though, it allows the focus to be placed on one rear of the business at a time, and then while the next area is being evaluated, the previous one is able to begin implementing the recommendations, based on the finds that came out of its own evaluation. Income statement The following set of numbers represents my net operating cash flow: IQ -$339,925, Q -$108,188 Q -$42,128, Q $197,078. Based on my pro-formula cash flow which were for IQ -$339,925, Q – $108,792 Q -$109,915, Q $539,469, and going back and understanding the concept of pro-rata formula and budgets, I was not successful in implementation of these concepts. The reason being is that my projections in comparison of my results, I was if by $342,391. The first three quarters it appears that my decisions were successful as my results were beating my projections, but by making the decision to â€Å"throw all my chips in† I did not apply any decision making strategy, which proved to hurt my results.I definitely think that if I were to complete the simulation again I would be able to apply pro-formula statements and budgets successfully, with knowledge, throughout all four quarters. In successfully applying the pro-formula concept; I would have been able to take my numbers end from the previous quarter, such as inventory, accounts receivable, and fixed assets, and used my computer based so, I could make any necessary adjustments, like reduce my manufacturing costs or increase production and marketing costs to have a better bottom line at the end of that quarter. This process would have allowed me to make logical and intentional decisions had I fully understood the concept during the simulation. 2. A.The Just in Time approach was designed and first implements by the Toyota manufacturing company in Japan. It's entire purpose and concept is to optimize the production process while eliminating waste. Waste is considered to be things such as, but not limited to; cost of inventory, defective items, and the time an employee sends waiting for equipment or supplies to come in (Roy, 2005, p. 160-161). The following are the results for each quarter in regards to my ending inventory; IQ O Q 23 Q 113 Q 0. The fact that my ending inventory increased each quarter shows that I really wasn't quite sure what I was doing, but after reviewing the lessons, I realize that my increase in ending inventory ended up costing the company money.The way that I could have implemented the Just in Time approach, is to better understand what the actual demand for my product was and then to adjust my production levels based on the actual sales of the previous quarter. If I were able to implement the approach, I would have been able to set my base production level lower than what my projections were incase sales dropped, but then if I were to seeing sales pick up, I could increase my production and order supplies as necessary. This would greatly increase my operational efficiency as it would reduce my ending inventory and only be ordering and using the supplies needed, thus reducing the cost and time to the customer and increasing my profits and customer satisfaction. B.Lean Operations being externally and have a more central focus on the customer, meaning that the process can be optimized by adjusting operations and processes based on a customer perspective (Higher, Render, 2011, p 636). Unfortunately due to my confusion during the simulation I did not apply the concept. If I had been able to apply the concepts though I would have developed a system that could have allowed me to better predict my customers' wants rather than guessing as well as putting my clients' needs first. The first way that I could have been successful is Just by simply choosing the correct target audience. In doing so, I could've saved a lot of time and money on marketing and focused those resources into activities that would further support and enhance my business.Since the overall goal of lean operations is to remove all non-value add activities, if I were able to implement this strategy, I would have been much more successful as my cost would be lower as well as had higher sales results based on better customer satisfaction. All of this would in turn allow my business to be running closer to optimum operational efficiency. . Work cells allow a single product to be developed further in stage by a single machine/area and don't require movement to a separate location to continue development. This is generally an automated process done so by machines, which the newer machines can be combined with older ones, therefore reducing the company's need to replace expensive machinery more frequently. There is great benefit to this process as it eliminates the buildup of inventory at various parts to their next phase in completion.Cost would also be reduced as work cells typically require fewer workers, thus reducing labor costs. In the simulation, since my product had so many different parts and assembly requirements, work cells would greatly benefit this type of industry as the individual parts can all be assembled in separate work cells and then brought together for final assembly. While initially my cost with straight line production are lower as it requires l ess training and less accountability of the employees, work cells would end up being cheaper in the long run. The simulation also did not account for employee happiness which work cells would have a direct effect on.Due to employees being less engaged ND not being required to be accountable for the products quality in a straight line production, they would be unhappy with work and in turn be less productive. By implementing work cells, I would create a sense of pride and empowerment in the employees thus improving productivity as well as quality. I would also be able to hold the separate cells accountable for their finished products and praise where appropriate or reprimand when necessary. By using work cells, I would be completely content with paying a larger cost initially to increase productivity and quality in the Eng run; thus after a certain amount of time, work cells would actually be cheaper and save the company money and inevitably increase profits. 4.As previously stated, my decisions during the simulation were not based on any definite rational as I became lost and confused rather quickly, but I am able to look back on the simulation and consider it more as a what-if and apply the safety stock concept in theory. In the simulation, since the company was a new business, safety stock would have been a very useful concept to utilize. At the beginning all of my projections were Just hat, projections, they were not founded on historical numbers. By apply the safety stock concept; I would have given myself the appropriate safety net to allow for my projections to align with the actual demand of the product without any interruption to manufacturing.When reviewing my ending inventory for each quarter, I have come to the conclusion that I ended up with too much safety stock and incurred more carrying costs than were necessary. I could have decreased my production, thereby reducing my ending inventory, and lowering my carrying costs. 5. My preferred mutinous i mprovement program that I would have liked to implement in my company would be Six Sigma. I like this program as it provides a comprehensive, thorough investigation into all aspects of the company and focuses specifically on taking past errors and identifying how they could have been prevented. Particularly in the simulation the first area I would have evaluated and fixed would be management.The company would have fared much better had I been in partnership with an individual who had a better knowledge base and understanding of how to run a company. By applying Six Sigma though, it allows the focus to be placed on one rear of the business at a time, and then while the next area is being evaluated, the previous one is able to begin implementing the recommendations, based on the finds that came out of its own evaluation.

Product Design Process

Product design process There are various product design processes and they are all focused on different aspects. The process shown below is â€Å"The Seven Universal Stages of Creative Problem-Solving,† outlined by Don Koberg and Jim Bagnell. It helps designers formulate their product from ideas. This process is usually completed by a group of people, designers or field experts in the product they are creating, or specialists for a specific component of the product, such as engineers. The process focuses on figuring out what is required, brainstorming possible ideas, creating mock prototypes, and then generating the product.However, that is not the end of the process. At this point, product designers would still need to execute the idea, making it into an actual product and then evaluate its success by seeing if any improvements are necessary. The product design process has experienced huge leaps in evolution over the last few years with the rise and adoption of 3D printing. N ew consumer-friendly 3D printers can product dimensional objects and print upwards with a plastic like substance opposed to traditional printers that spread ink across a page.The design process follows a guideline involving three main sections:[4] Analysis Concept Synthesis The latter two sections are often revisited, depending on how often the design needs touch-ups, to improve or to better fit the criteria. This is a continuous loop, where feedback is the main component. [4] To break it down even more, the seven stages specify how the process works. Analysis consists of two stages, concept is only one stage, and synthesis encompasses the other four. [edit]Analysis

Monday, July 29, 2019

NIGER MILITARY COUP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

NIGER MILITARY COUP - Essay Example This paper will critically discuss military coups as way of seizing power, using the Niger’s case as an example. Niger Military Coup Military coups as earlier stated, have been considered especially in most of the African countries among them Niger, as the only way of getting corrupt leaders in the government to vacate their offices once diplomacy has failed (Onwumechili 17). This is due to the fact that these leaders in most cases interfere with their constitutions, with some using their powers to amend certain acts in order to prolong their terms. Some of them even refuse to vacate their offices after they are defeated in presidential elections, for example with the case of Ivory Coast. The president, despite having lost the election to his opponent Outtara, has continued to cling to power instead of handing over the presidency peacefully. As for now, diplomatic talks mediated by eminent persons are going on and there is a possibility of military action against him if the ta lks fail to produce viable results (Harwood 59). This is an example of how tensions start building up and when they accumulate, military action becomes unavoidable especially where such leaders have been described as the major cause of suffering for the citizens and an obstacle to development. In Niger for example, the former president, Mamadou Tandja had been in power for 10 years, which is the maximum period that a president is allowed to rule in the country, after which he is required to retire. However, towards the end of his second term, he brought about a constitutional reform, which was meant to give him the leeway to run for another term, and which did not go down well with majority of the citizens and legislators. He planned a national referendum to extend his term but according to sources, the opposition boycotted this process whereas the national assembly refused to grant his wishes. In return, Tandja dissolved the parliament as well as the constitutional court for ruling against his intentions. Interestingly, he went ahead to conduct the referendum in which the opposition did not participate and declared the results in favor of his bid for a third term (Africa Research Bulletin 205). This is a sign of a leader who was bent to interfere with all organs of government regardless of the principle of separation of powers between the executive, legislature and the judiciary, which are supposed to function independently without one influencing the other. In this aspect, the president can be termed as an authoritarian, who, with the current growth of democracies around the world, should not be allowed to hold executive powers. The action prompted the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to sanction the country by excluding it from the organization’s trading activities (Africa Research Bulletin 207). Such an action against a country means that the level of foreign income earned from exports to member countries goes down hence the rise o f poverty levels among citizens. In addition, despite the country being rich in minerals such as Uranium, citizens have continued to suffer abject poverty while his council of ministers and close family members and friends continued to enrich themselves with tax payer’s money. As a result of such corruption and nepotism through out his rule, Niger’s economy has continued to deteriorate and the effect is that

Sunday, July 28, 2019

HEALTH CARE POLICY Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

HEALTH CARE POLICY - Research Paper Example It was amended by the Health Care Education Reconciliation Act of 2001 that became a law on 30th of March, 2010. The bill was propositioned by the President Obama during the US presidential elections in 2008. He stressed upon the need of making some major reforms into the American healthcare system so that every citizen could get due healthcare facilities (Trumbull, 2010). The House of Representative and Senate of United States passed the health care reform bill in 2010. The core purpose of the bill is to provide policy lines to the private healthcare companies and to find out the ways through which it would be possible to provide all the residents of America with quality healthcare services in exchange for affordable expenses (Grier, 2010). The passage of this law has been widely regarded as an importance victory of Obama government that is expected to make healthcare facilities affordable for all the Americans as it expands the health coverage ( The essay aims to concisely describe the history of healthcare policy making in United Stated by identifying major bills and acts implemented so far and discuss in detail the Healthcare reform bill 2010 to explain the major issues and areas associated with the bill. The early steps in the area of healthcare reforms include the passage of Bill for the Benefit of the Indigent Insane in 1854 at federal level. The bill established asylum for the indigent insane and for the disable people like blinds, deaf and dumb with the help of the federal land grants given to the states. Dorothea Dix, a social activist proposed this bill that was passed by both the Houses of Congress but the President Franklin Pierce vetoed the bill and argues that state is responsible for social welfare and not the federal government has the responsibility to provide fund for this

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Joan Alexandra Molinsky Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Joan Alexandra Molinsky - Essay Example In 1987, however, Rivers life began to spiral downward when her husband, Edgar Rosenberg, committed suicide. This event, combined with a declining career, was the onset of a deep depression for Rivers, as well as the beginnings of bulimia. Rivers states how a devastating loss affects hunger in two ways - erasing it or launch it to new heights. "For me the suicide inspired a gastronomic space program." she claims (Rivers, 1997, p.98). She describes the beginnings of a binge - overeating rich foods until she felt bloated and her clothes became too small - at which point she reached the solution of self-induced vomiting. Occasional purges soon evolved into weekly then twice a day rituals. Rivers timed her purges to happen roughly a half hour after a meal; she realized she must admit the problem to her therapist when she pulled over to vomit in a rest area bathroom. When she finally admitted her bulimia to her therapist Dr. Michael Greenstein, his observation reflects the general state of her life: out of control. Because of this, one of the few things she has been able to control is her bodily intake and output, which has manifested itself in the form of bulimia. Eating disorders are actually psychological disorders and can frequently be triggered by traumatizing events. The proper name of bulimia is Bulimia Nervosa (BN), which translates as "ox hunger", and refers specifically to a binge and purge cycle happening at least twice a week for at least six months. Purging methods include self-induced vomiting, or the abuse of laxatives, diuretics or enemas. Bulimics may also resort to fasting or exhibit obsessive compulsions to exercise. Sufferers often share similar personality traits: they tend towards perfectionism, while retaining a sense of low self-esteem despite their accomplishments. Depression is a frequent contributor to the disorder's development as well. Unfortunately, since the psychology of bulimia is often related to larger emotional issues, both the condition and the original problems complement and augment each other, resulting in a worsening of all symptoms (Eating Disorders, 2005). There are several Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment (CB) methods for BN: such as various behavior, psychodynamic, family, or experiential therapies, or a Twelve-Step program using the disorder as an addiction. CBT is a process by which the patient comes to recognizes the true psychological issues, learn more constructive coping mechanisms in relation to these, and then modify their behavior to return to more acceptable eating patterns while preventing relapses. Anti-depressants frequently help, as they curb the appetite while inhibiting the root depression; different anti-depressants seem to work equally well (Wilson and Pike, 2001). With Dr. Greenstein, Joan Rivers learned to identify her grief of her husband's suicide and was able to return to host a daytime talk show through the years 1989-1993 (Wikkipedia, 2006), the ending of which coincided with the death of her therapist and her returning to live in New York. Her depression was growing worse. The combination of her husband's los s, her talk show ending, a brief Broadway show collapsing and the failure of her jewelry venture

Friday, July 26, 2019

Terrorist Activities & Community Members Assignment

Terrorist Activities & Community Members - Assignment Example However, the first major step is getting information from the community as this is the largest information gathering sector for law enforcement. Introduction Terrorist activities are planned crimes against the people in the form of bombings, fires, disruptions of services through electronic hacking, and in shootings of innocent people which cause injuries and death (EMD 2013). Other crimes may also be attached to terrorist activities in the form of robberies when terrorists commit these in order to build up financial funding for their endeavors. It is essential when law enforcement departments are setting up programs on surveying potential terrorism activities, that community members are also included in the process of observing specific activities and people who act suspiciously and could indicate a potential for an upcoming terrorist act (EMD 2013; SARA 2013). Training may also be included so that people understand what it is they must look for so as to report it correctly to law e nforcement members. 1. Some of the types of businesses that would be a hunting ground for terrorists are pawn shops that carry firearms for sale, old cell phones, huge amounts of hardware tools, nails, nuts and bolts, knapsacks and other cheap items; home improvement centers which carry everything listed above, new, but can be bought in huge quantities; libraries that have Internet access for information searches as an anonymous users, plus literature that can be reviewed for free without checking them out of the library (Smith 2008). Terrorists may also visit their target areas, such as stadiums, airports, specific high-risk government buildings such as town halls, or capital buildings, large hotels with international clientele, and well-known businesses (EMD 2013). New York City and Washington, D.C. both have a large number of buildings that are high-risk for terrorist attacks, such as the Financial District in New York City, and the Capital Building in Washington (Smith 2008). De pending on the type of terrorist, national or international, other businesses at risk are newspapers, hospitals, colleges, utility and nuclear plants, abortion and Planned Parenthood clinics, train and railroad centers, and Internet provider businesses (EMD 2013). 2. Businesses can be monitored by agreement and in partnership with the owners, who agree to hand over information about people and events that occur that might preclude an eventual attack. A pawn shop, for example, can inform the police if someone comes in and wants to purchase a large amount of old cell phones in the shop case. While some non-profit businesses do purchase these as part of a program for the elderly, the poor or for women who have been in abusive relationships and are being relocated elsewhere, normally, large purchases of these types would signal a potential for a terrorist who will use the phones as bomb detonators (EMD 2013). Internet connections can also be monitored, so long as a proper warrant has be en approved through regular channels, not only for what businesses are doing but also to observe customers’ communications or even if there is tampering from the outside that indicates hacking from a terrorist organization (Menn 2013). 3. If business owners and community members become suspicious

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Management Accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Management Accounting - Assignment Example Each of the method has a different approach to evaluating the worth of an investment or project for an organization. Whereas the last three techniques focus on cash flow, the first technique (the accounting rate of return (ARR) also called return on investment (ROI) uses accounting profit during its appraisal calculation, offering a view of the general profitability of the investment project. 1. The accounting rate of return The accounting rate of return also referred to as the return on investment method calculates the estimated general profit or loss concerning an investment project and connects that profit or loss to the amount of capital injected in the project as well as the period for which that investment is required to go. The profit referred to in the appraisal process here is the one that is directly linked to the investment project and, therefore, costs or revenues made elsewhere in the business are not included. There is a minimum rate of return required for any investmen t that a business wants to undertake. This is connected to the business’s cost of capital. ... r the years of life of the investment project and dividing the total life of the investment project in years and the average investment is found by adding the investment in the first year to the remaining value at the end of life of the project and dividing by two. With these two values, we can comfortably calculate the ARR. This calculation gives the uniqueness of product as well as its drawbacks as we can see in the subsequent discussions and comparisons. The main advantages of accounting rate of return are: Accounting rate of return considers the general profitability of the investment project. The method is simple to understand as well as easy to use. The method’s end outcome is expressed in form of a percentage, permitting projects of varying sizes to be compared. The major drawback is: The method is based on the accounting profits and not the cash flows. Calculation of profit as well as capital employed is based on expenditure items, which are treated as revenue (those a ppearing on the profit & loss account) and as capital (appearing on the balance sheet). Even though there are guidelines relating to this area, this practice can be quite subjective. Various accounting policies, for instance, relating to depreciation can generate different figures of profit and capital employed, therefore permitting the profit as well as balance sheet numbers to be manipulated in some way. This is why capital projects are also appraised in terms of cash flows. Accounting rate of return method does not consider the timing of cash flows of the project. For instance, we may have two projects M, and N. Project M may result in an accounting rate of return of 19 percent whereas project N may have ARR of 17 percent. Nevertheless, investment M may be a six year investment whilst

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

China Economy Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

China Economy - Coursework Example The share of China of total accumulated FDI stock in Asia almost tripled within 20 years i.e. from 6% in 1990 – 15% in 2010. Currency strengthening against the US dollar- the Chinese RMB has continuously appreciated against US dollar from8.27 in 2005 to 6.41 in 2011. The country still continues to run trade surplus as well as accumulating foreign reserves. Its pressure to appreciate the currency still remains strong (Tong & Wong, 2012). The reason as to why there was no industrial revolution in China is that the brokers as well as tax collectors created a market only for luxurious consumer goods instead of investing in new technologies. â€Å"They could use their surplus capital to extend credit at high interest rates or to run pawnshops, but they failed to invest in new technologies that would spur industrial revolution† (133). When Europe built modern infrastructure within Chinese treaty ports, it did not spark industrial revolution since industries were few (Tong & Wong, 2012). Cultural Revolution was a major drawback since it did cost China economic problems. â€Å"Though it resulted to long term economic damage to government administration and factory management as well as the country’s education system† (Tong & Wong, 2012). 4. China adopted an open-ended approach towards its economic reform process because it did not have any books to help them learn the way of un-planning, hence they needed something with no blueprint or detailed plans. China chose to begin with Agriculture reform step taken by china to start economic reform, which they did through instituting household responsibility system. The reason they chose agriculture was that despite the trial and error reform strategy having work well during the first phases, critical microeconomic measures of reforms failed to lend themselves effectively to the gradualist method through experimentation. Some of these reform measures included taxation,

Values and its impact on leadership theory and practices Essay

Values and its impact on leadership theory and practices - Essay Example At the same time, values are affected by a number of internal and external factors that also affect the value creation process of organizations. Overall, it was summed that values are an integral part of leadership theories and practices. Leadership has been one of the highly talked and researched topics in the business and social environment. Throughout, the history of business management and social empowerment, leadership has played an important and crucial role in guiding and motivating people in the right direction along with accomplishing desired mutual goals and objectives. Change is often considered as inevitable and must occur in order to maintain the pace with current and future social and business changes in different environments (Hackman, Wageman, 2005). Throughout the history of mankind in terms of geographies, ethnicity and political boundaries; there have been a number of distinct differences among people in terms of values, thinking and perception. It was only after the 20th century that societies and people were learning from each other in terms of differences mainly because of the rise and advances in technologies and communication. However, in spite of all these, there has been a major clash in terms of values and perceptions when it comes to understanding each other and this has emerged as one of the most important concerns for business organsiations (House, 2004). This is where leadership has emerged as one of the most important tools in understanding people but at the same time leadership theories and practices are largely influenced and impacted by perceived values. The discussion aims to investigate the impact of values on leadership theories and practices. For this purpose, a number of leadership theories have been discussed in a critical manner in order to ascertain the overall impact and influence of perceived values. Values can be personal or perceived often affected by the internal and external environment and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (F.I.S.A.) court Term Paper

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (F.I.S.A.) court - Term Paper Example The particulars of such actions were in effect up until the early 1970s and it was the ‘Keith’ case that predominantly broke the shackles to such unfair means. In 1972 the Keith case was one of the major turnarounds that led to the development of FISA courts in the country. Technically speaking this particular legal case was between the United States’ government and a United States district court. The district court emphasized that an acting attorney general gave specific directive permission to carry out electronic wireless intelligence without a warrant on a US citizen accused of bombing a Central Intelligence Agency building. The Supreme Court firmly rejected the US government’s petition of claiming foreign intelligence on the per se warrant requirement but the court emphasized that according to the legislative structure and constituting to the fourth amendment it is uniquely prohibited to use of warrantless surveillance particularly directed at domestic threats to U.S. national security. The court however did not reach a general consensus on whether it is appropriate to target warrantless surveillance on foreign individuals and agents pertaining to other agencies but opened up a new line of thought for the executive council suggesting that it may be up to the latter body if and how they would significantly indulge in matters related to the mentioned entities and personnel. The Supreme Court however demanded that the congress issue a revised plan for a fool proof constitutional amendment that would ensure as a constitutional element for future electronic wireless surveillance of threats regarding the national security of the United States. Another event... The paper tells that there are several fundamental aspects of the FISA warrants and it solely addresses to two particular fractions of people that may pose a potential threat to the national security of the United States. Firstly warrants are foremost issued to personnel that are categorized as a foreign power. Places or entities that succumb to such definitions may potentially include a foreign government, a diplomat; other representative or employee of a foreign government, a fraction of a foreign nation that is not substantially composed of US persons, an entity openly acknowledged by a foreign government to be directed and controlled by it, or a group engaged in international terrorism or activities in preparation therefore. The second defining figure that a FISA warrant can be issued to, are agents of foreign powers. These may fundamentally include any individual who is not a US person and works for a foreign power inside the united states or an individual who again may not be a US person but engaged in espionage intelligence gathering activities running from within any associated foreign power. However the FISA constitution does also recognize US citizen as also potential National security threats and a FISA warrant can be issued if for some reason they may be suspected with substantial defying evidence of engaging into espionage pertaining to compromising the national security of the United States or involved in clandestine intelligence gathering activities for a foreign power which activities constitute a violation of U.S. criminal statutes.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Sociological perspective Essay Example for Free

Sociological perspective Essay Marxism, Functionalism and Feminism are sociological theories alongside several others, they are fundamental to the whole discipline of sociology. Functionalism is a structural theory they argue that society is made up of interrelated and interdependent institutions such as education, work, religion, law, the family etc. The main function of these institutions is to maintain social equilibrium. They see society similar to a human body with all the internal parts working together to bring out equilibrium. Functionalists see individual action as the product of social institutions such as the family and education socializing the young into cultural values and norms, this means people believe in much the same thing and consequently their actions and patterns are predictable. Durkheim believed the very core of society is it values which are passed on and reinforced by family, school religion etc. Individuals behave similarly in the same social context because they have been socialized into the same cultural rules and goals. However Functionalist see institutions such as education and work organizations allocating people to roles in which they would make an effective contribution to the day to day running of society, they believe there is a class system and people gain their job, money etc through their own merit. Therefore functionalists believe human action is shaped and controlled by social forces such as value consensus and the need to maintain social order, beyond the individuals control , they results on this conformity is social stability and the reproduction of society generation by generation. However it is argued that functionalists over emphasis consensus and order, and play down conflict. They tend to focus on functions or benefits of social institutions and consequently neglect the dysfunctions or harm that institutions can cause. Marxism is a macro approach based on a conflict between capital and wage labour. Society splits into an infrastructure (economic base) and  superstructure (social institutions). Ideology (distorted beliefs) is transmitted through the superstructure to justify inequalities. Marx focused on the inequalities of capitalism. In capitalist society, the bourgeoisie own the means of production (own large amounts of capital and therefore have power), whereas the proletariat sell their labour power for a wage. This is where the conflict rests. The system dictates that the ruling class generates more profit (achieved by decreasing wages). Overtime, the worsening of conditions, exploitation and lowering of wages results in a situation where the working class become aware of their class position and unite in a state of revolutionary consciousness. Revolution is, therefore, inevitable. Gramsci argues that middle class maintain dominance by using the government to persuade people, and also by propagating ideologies ( continuously feeding ideas so dey grow strength through things like media, churches, schools and family in order to win peoples consent. For the middle class to be ideologically dominant these ideologies need to be tied in to the popular culture of working class. The extent to which such hegemony is achieved varies over time but its unlikely 2 ever be complete. There are two reasons for dis. firstly middle class are often divided and secondly the proletariat as a dual consciousness. One part which reflects the ideas of the middle class and the other which reflects their everyday experiences. He believes the proletariat to make alliances with other groups for Marxists to win the hearts and minds of subordinate classes by connecting Marxist ideas to popular culture. Hes optimistic that the struggle for hegemony. People will eventually be persuaded of the need for a revolution. For Frankfurt school theirs two main characteristics which distinguish humans from animals- the ability to transform the environment and the ability to make a rational decision about our lives. Capitalists societies dont allow humans to exercise their creativity and reason and thus warrant criticisms 4 being unfair n unreasonable. He agrees with Gramisci that attention needs to  be paid to ideologies which are integrating people into capitalists system. Two developments are highlighted as crucial here- the growth on instrumental reasons whichs seen as the dominant way of thinking in a capitalist society and the development of mass culture. Peoples acceptance of instrumental reasons is explained by Frankfurt school in terms of developments of mass culture. It reached the mass of population through media The Frankfurt school comes to a negative conclusion- people are dominated not only at work but also in their leisure. The over riding picture is of society as a mass of isolated individuals who are manipulated by big business. Their seems to be no way out. It has been argued that Marxists put too much emphasis on conflict. Capitalism has improved the standard of living working class. It may be that the working class are aware of inequality and exploitation but they feel that their standard of living compensates for this. So they may therefore actively choose to go to work despite this knowledge. They have also been criticized for economic reductionism i.e. reducing behaviour to class relationships. They may neglect the fact that social behaviour can also be influenced by religious, patriarchal, nationalism and ethnic structures. Interactionalists focus upon the way in which individuals (or social actors as Interactionists like to call them) consciously act rather than simply react to social stimulation. The way in which different social actors interpret the behaviour of others is significant as a means of understanding the way in which the world is socially constructed. This social construction of the world is focused upon the meanings people give to behaviour and the way in which they interpret the meaning of behaviour. Mead argued that whilst we are each conscious, thinking, individuals, the way in which we choose to behave is conditioned by the social context of that behaviour. In this, he said that our behaviour as individuals is conditioned by two aspects of our self-awareness (that is, the ability to see ourselves as others see us). A) The I aspect which largely consists of spontaneous actions and B) The Me aspect which consists of an awareness  of how other people expect us to behave at any given moment. The I and the Me are parallel parts of what Mead called The Self and it is the ability of human beings to develop a self-concept that makes us different to most animals. In animals, for example, the I is dominant (to the almost total exclusion of the Me in most animals). This means, in effect, that most animal behaviour is instinct-based rather than socially-constructed. In humans, on the other hand, the reverse is true. The Me is dominant to the almost total exclusion of the I. This means, in effect, that most human behaviour is socially-constructed rather than instinct-based.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Ryanair Business Ethics

Ryanair Business Ethics Summary of the unit: Business Ethics is a key component; in fact, it could be the very bases of the way in which operational activities are carried out within a business. Ethics are to do with what is right and wrong. It is about how a company does its business and how its activities affect all of its stakeholders. A business is part of society and therefore is required to maintain a certain standard of behaviour. TASK 1: Assessment 1 A Study of a Selected Company Using an organisation of your choice but in discussion with your tutor, research the ethical values and activities of the company. Explore ethical issues relevant to the companys progress, identify stakeholders and conflicts of interest and assess the ethical implications for stakeholders. Finally, explore the social implications of business ethics for the company. Introduction: Ethics refers to the moral rights and wrongs of any decision a business makes. It is a value judgement that may differ in importance and meaning between different individuals. Businesses may adopt ethical policies because they believe in them or they believe that by showing they are ethical; they improve their sales. Background of the organisation or company: Ryanair is Ltd which means the liability of members or subscribers of the company is limited to what they have invested into the company. Ryanair is an Irish low cost airline, which is located on the grounds of Dublin Airport, with its primary operational base at London Stansted Airport. The airline operates over 300 Boeing 737-800 aircraft and has been characterised by rapid expansion and its low-cost. The route network serves 30 countries both in Europe and North Africa. Explain the ethical values and activities of the company: (Areas of ethical activities include: ethics in finance, eg bribery, executive pay, insider trading, lobbying; ethics in human resource management, eg discrimination, worker surveillance; ethics in production, eg animal testing, genetically modified (GM) foodstuffs, planned obsolescence; ethics in sales and marketing, eg spamming, shills, product placement, green washing; ethics in intellectual property eg software piracy, counterfeiting, peer-to-peer file sharing) Ryanair have made it very hard to find their mission statement, but on the basis of their main objective one can see that Ryanair wants to be the low-cost airline. In my opinion, based on different information I have read during research I believe Ryanair will do just about anything to maintain that low-cost airline status. Ryanair are cutting the costs in which they spend by reducing fuel, re-styling their inflight magazine from A4 to A5 and doubling it up as a menu. The airline has also been accused of environmental effects which are imputing to the speed up of Global Warming due to the emissions which the planes are releasing. In a conference to discuss corporate strategies, Michael OLeary (CEO) says, Its the oldest, simplest formula; Pile em high and sell em cheapà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ We want to be the Wal-Mart of the airline business. Nobody will beat us on price EVER. Ryanair inform their stakeholders about what they believe, is ethical behaviour in the Chairmans report as part of the Annual Report. However, they do not mention how they will improve occurring problems. Notwithstanding the issues we face, the outstanding people at Ryanair continue to work hard on behalf of shareholders to reduce our costs while at the same time delivering the lowest fares in Europe to our 79 million passengers. Explain the ethical issues relevant to the companys progress. (These include corporate governance; corporate social responsibility; environment; sustainability; human rights; corruption; trading fairly; legal and regulatory compliance; business practices; working conditions; individual ethical responsibilities): Human Rights Business ethics considers actions taken on behalf of organisations such as Ryanair. Business ethics asks the business if its actions are good or bad for us humans. Many questions that arise in business ethics affect all of us such as the environmental ones. There are also some issues which relate to human rights too. Therefore, it is important that Ryanair deals with these issues and questions correctly as they do affect humans and the environment. Human rights are mainly about discrimination. For example, it is illegal in the UK to treat people differently because of their race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or disability. These are known as basic human rights. There are other types of human rights which are built into legal system. At Ryanair, employees are entitled to a contract of employment, to work part time, to be able to join a union and to have hearing against wrongful dismissal. This is for everyone; this is known as human rights. Ryanair would have to follow human rights when employing people to work with them; they cannot deny someone to work for them because of their race, gender, religion or disability. If these laws are broken in Ryanair they can be sued. Ryanairs commitment to operating with respect for human rights is reflected in company policies and procedures. In order to integrate human rights considerations into the management of their business, human rights due diligence is part of their risk assessment for new production and sales markets. For existing production and sales markets, Ryanair will regularly evaluate human rights related risks and conduct human rights impact assessments on high risk markets. Risk and impa ct assessments are used for them to identifying actual and potential human rights impacts from their business activities, which are then managed by the relevant business functions. Ryanair works broadly to promote respect for human rights through public policy, stakeholders dialogues and collaborations. Working Conditions When people start working for a business organisation, they are entitled to a set of minimum working conditions, which are not just about wages and salaries. They also cover aspects of work such as hours, holiday entitlement, privacy harassment and discrimination. It is up to employers to create working conditions that are fair, just and open. Trade Unions have the traditional role of defending worker rights against bad employers. Ryanairs employees must have been told about the working conditions which should cover all aspects such as things like hours, holidays, salaries and wages. It is up to the employer to create the working conditions, if something is unfair there are Trade Unions who have the role to defend workers from the bad employers. The employees shall be granted and correctly compensated for any types of paid leave to which they are legally entitled. For Example, leaves include annual leave, maternity/parental leave and sick leave. Ryanairs employee should be treated with respect and dignity. Under no circumstances Ryanair either accept the use by their suppliers, their subcontractors or other business partners of humiliating or corporal punishment, and no employee shall be subject to physical, sexual, Psychological or verbal harassment or abuse. Wages must be paid regularly, on time, and must reflect the experience, qualifications and performance of the employee. Ryanairs minimum requirement is that employers shall pay at least the statutory minimum wage, the prevailing industry wage or the wage negotiated in a collective agreement, whichever is higher. All other types of legally mandated benefits and compensations shall be paid. No unfair deductions are allowed, and the employee has the right to a written specification of how the wage has been calculated. Corporate Governance Ryanair have board of directors who make important decisions. They are answerable to board managers. Governance is important to large businesses like Ryanair. it is important because how will HM directors know what mangers are doing. Therefore the government gets involved. Also corporate governance is the people and procedures for taking a major decision within Ryanair. Ryanair will have to send directors progress about the business so they are always updated, the managers at Ryanair will be responsible for consulting the board directors about everything that goes on in the business on a regular basis. Governance is vital to big companies such as Ryanair because how will Ryanair directors acknowledge what managers are doing, this government will step in. Corporate governance is the employees and measures for taking important decisions within Ryanair. Trading Fairly Fair trade is where: Business is carried on in an open manner. Competition takes place on grounds that are equal for all parties Consumers can feel secure that the goods and services they are buying are going to be of satisfactory quality. Ryanair must make sure that they are always trading fairly and theyre consumers should always feel secure that goods and services they are using are going to be of satisfactory quality. Ryanair agree that wages in some production countries are too low. Ensuring that all textile workers should be able to live on their wages has always been Ryanair s vision, and this is also stated in our Code of Conduct. In November 2013, Ryanair had developed a new roadmap based on their vision, a fair living wage covering workers basic needs should be paid by all HM commercial goods suppliers. One important element of this is that Ryanair s while another states that this requirement is based on a skilled workforce whos wages are negotiated and reviewed annually, involving democratically elected trade unions of worker representatives. Identify stakeholders of the organisation and conflicts of interest and assess the ethical implications for stakeholders. (Stakeholders owners, employees, customers, suppliers, competitors, citizens, etc. Conflicts of interest between stakeholder groups e.g. shareholders versus environmentalists) Ryanairs Main Stakeholders include: Shareholders Business Partners Customers Employees Conflicts of interest Ryanair Stakeholders: Employees Vs Owners Employees want higher wages and owners want high profits therefore want to pay employees lower wages. Customers Vs Shareholders Low prices is what customers want, but higher prices is what shareholders want as it means higher profits. Employees Vs Management Conflict might occur when management desire to cut costs to boost profit in order to satisfy their own needs as well as different stakeholders as employees want higher wages. Stakeholders Stakeholders are a person, group or organisation that has interest or concern in an organisation. Stakeholders can affect or be affected by the organisations actions, objectives and policies. The below diagram includes definitions for each stakeholder: Ryanairs main stakeholders are: Employees who seek the necessary training along with career development opportunities within Ryanair. They also want job security. Shareholders who want a dividend from profits. Customers who want services that meet their needs when flying. They wish for flights that are at low prices and convenient dates and times. Explain the social implications of business ethics for the organisation or company. (Implications include adapting business behaviour; responding to ethical pressures; implementing ethical practices; influence of stakeholders and pressure groups; impact on competitiveness; reputation; public image; ethical trade; value-added; complying with relevant legislation and codes of practice, e.g. UK law, EU law;UN Declaration on Human Rights; UN Global Compact; economic activity e.g. location) (Other Implications include: global, eg environment; corporate, eg legal and regulatory compliance, policies and practices; individual (employee, consumer) Ethical Concerns and Solutions Ryanair is a business that is acting unethically in many ways. I have included the reasons which I think are the main ones. EnvironmentalThe emissions, which are coming from the aircraft, are believed to be having a very bad effect on the Earths atmosphere which is causing harm which leads to Global Warming, this will have an effect on everyone if Ryanair doesnt stop right now. This is evidence that the business is acting unethically as they are not caring for the environment in which we are all living in. Social An example of the way in which Ryanair is acting unethically in relation to employment practice which became known when former employee Sophie Growcoot got in contact with her local representative to reveal the details of her employment contract with the company Crewlink, which acts as a contractor for Ryanair. The Independent later published the story. Growcoot explains that Crewlink forced her to take three months of compulsory unpaid leave a year during the winter months, air traffic is slower therefore Ryanair require less staff. Not only is a compulsory unpaid leave bad enough, the contract forbids her from taking additional employment yet provided no compensation during that period of leave. She also criticized Ryanair for making her pay for her uniform and for required safety courses. Growcoot then explains further to all of that they only paid her for the hours she was in the air, which didnt include any turnaround time between flights, meetings, time on ground resulti ng from cancellations or delays and pre-flight briefings. However due to this claims Ryanair have not denied them but expressed that she was employed by Crewlink and not them therefore they hold no responsibility for any of this accusations. Health and Safety The action in which Ryanair is carrying out which leads me to believe that they are an unethical business is that they are putting their passengers and staff at risk by restricting the amount of fuel they carry in an attempt to cut costs. In a recent article published by The Independent, the airline has been accused of not putting extra fuel into their tasks, which would be used due to any delays. The article includes an example of this which has recently happened, a Ryanair flight has to make to attempts to land then make a pit stop as they had not filled the tank fully included extra fuel in which they needed. However, this is not a legal problem as they fill the tank to the amount by law. They have the amount issues by law, but are driving slower in order to use up less this means they are adding time on to journeys. With these issues and more creating black clouds over the business which is making them act unethically, Ryanair needs to consider ways in which they could deal with the occurring issues if of course they can actually deal with them. The fact is that Ryanair is faced with unethical issues including, environmental, social and safety ones. In order to start acting more ethically the airline seriously needs to overcome the occurring problems, for the three issues I have explained above I am going to suggest ways in which they can change unethical to ethical. Environmental: Problem The emissions from Ryanair aircrafts are having bad effects on our environment. Solution In order for the emissions released to not affect our environment Ryanair should look into exactly how much is being released and consider changing what they use that makes the emissions have such a bad effect. Ryanair needs to go green like Virgin America and Air France, which are the two airlines that were awarded the most eco-friendly. Practicality If other airlines that are highly recognised and extremely successful can go green and be environmentally friendly then why cant Ryanair. In order for this solution to be successful the airline need to invest more time and money into biofuel, recycling etc. as in the long run this is the better option for everyone. Social Problem Ryanairs contractor Crewlink has been drawing up harsh contracts for staff of Ryanair. Solution Crewlink are working for Ryanair, yet its Ryanair that get the blame for all the disasters like in Sophie Growcoots story. Ryanair cannot deny its happening as they know it is, but to stop it and act ethically towards their employees, they need to change the way in which the contracts are being drawn. If Crewlink are the ones who are responsible Ryanair should disconnect from them and treat their employees with fair advantages rather than unfair disadvantages. Possible vs. Practicality To change the way in which the contracts are drawn is hard as Crewlink are a company as well (even though they are working for Ryanair) they might go against Ryanairs wishes. To me the most practical thing to do in this situation is to drop Crewlink all together and start employing people straight through Ryanair that way if anything does happen Ryanair has all the documents to fight against claims because at the moment they have no evidence. However, this may increase costs, which would make shareholders unhappy. Safety: Problem In attempt to cut costs Ryanair is reducing the amount of fuel brought on a journey right down to the amount needed by law. This means no emergency extra. Solution The solution to this is obvious. Bring extra. Even though fuel is expensive wouldnt Ryanair rather pay for that then is the cause of passengers and staffs deaths if an unfortunate incident occurs? Possible vs. Practicality This is without a doubt something Ryanair should stop doing it is unsafe to all. If they continue they may end up spending more and getting into more trouble therefore losing customers and loosing profit. This is so important that shareholders would be willing to have lower dividends for a while. Impacts of Acting Ethically Even though acting ethically is a good thing, Ryanair have been unethical for a long time and with the change there is bound to be some impact on the business and its stakeholders. If the business was to carry out the solutions I have suggested they will encounter long-term and short-term advantages and disadvantages. In making the ethical decision to stop reducing fuel in order to cut costs would mean that the business would need to invest more money therefore in the short-term no one would be the winners as the shareholders might not get as much money back as they invested. However, in the long-term, as by carrying out this particular solution, customers may view Ryanair as safer and trust worthier, the business profits may increase therefore the Ryanair will be a good investment once more. If the business were to cut off Crewlink and have an in-house recruitment, Ryanair may save money, as they would no longer need to pay Crewlink for their services. This would be an advantage for the business for two reasons, they would be able to control everything and stay out of trouble caused by linked companies and they would cut costs in a safer way. For the last solution it is a win/win situation for all involved, the business and stakeholders. By being more environmentally friendly Ryanair will attract more customers as they will still be able to keep their low-cost scheduled flights just in an ego way. In my judgment I think Ryanair would be crazy not to carry out these changes, they will be beneficial to everyone in many ways. As a business Ryanair will be able to maintain its low-cost reputation but just do it will more certainty, yes in the short-term it may be a lose but it will be a win for all in the long-term. Assignment 2: Ethical Concerns in the Community of the Selected Company- P3, P4, P2.Research the ethical concerns of different communities in which a selected business operates and write a full report for submission. Define Ethics: Ethics are the set of moral principles that guide a persons behavior. These morals are shaped by social norms, cultural practices, and religious influences. Ethics reflect beliefs about what is right, what is wrong, what is just, what is unjust, what is good, and what is bad in terms of human behavior. They serve as a compass to direct how people should behave toward each other, understand and fulfil their obligations to society, and live their lives. Define Business Ethics: Business ethics are the study of proper business policies and practices regarding potentially controversial issues, such as corporate governance, insider trading, bribery, discrimination, corporate social responsibility and fiduciary responsibilities. Business ethics are often guided by law, while other times provide a basic framework that businesses may choose to follow in order to gain public acceptance. Mention your selected business and give historical background Apple Inc. is an American multinational corporation that designs and manufactures consumer electronics and computer software products. The companys best-known hardware products include Macintosh computers, the iPod and the iPhone. Apple software includes the Mac OS X operating system, the iTunes media browser, the iLife suite of multimedia and creativity software, the iWork suite of productivity software, Final Cut Studio, a suite of professional audio and film-industry software products, and Logic Studio, a suite of audio tools. The company operates more than 250 retail stores in nine countries and an online store where hardware and software products are sold. Established in Cupertino, California on April 1, 1976 and incorporated January 3, 1977,the company was called Apple Computer, Inc. for its first 30 years, but dropped the word Computer on January 9, 2007 to reflect the companys ongoing expansion into the consumer electronics market in addition to its traditional focus on personal computers. Apple has about 35,000 employees worldwide and had worldwide annual sales of US$32.48 billion in its fiscal year ending September 29, 2008.For reasons as various as its philosophy of comprehensive aesthetic design to its distinctive advertising campaigns, Apple has established a unique reputation in the consumer electronics industry. This includes a customer base that is devoted to the company and its brand, particularly in the United States. Fortune magazine named Apple the most admired company in the United States in 2008 and in the world in 2009. Here I will be using my selected business Apple, to describe the ethical concerns facing specific communities as a result of their activities. Explain the ethical concerns of different communities in which a selected business operates: (DifferentCommunities include: local; regional; national; global; pressure groups, eg Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth; impact of overseeing bodies, eg UK Government, United Nations, European Union, World Trade Organization (WTO), World Health Organization (WHO) (Ethical Concerns include: corporate social responsibility; globalisation; cultural imperialism; ecology; environment; fair trade;corruption; child labour; outsourcing; personal attitudes; whistle blowing) Apple, whose main manufacture in China is Foxconn, had to face ethical concerns in China recently. Local Community The ethical concerns facing the local community are Environmental and Child Labor. The environment is impacting the local community because the business is having an increase in the level of pollution in the city which is of course having a negative effect on the environment. Child Labor is another ethical concern that Foxconn have to face as they are employing under age children which is affecting the local community as they are not getting the opportunity to be educated instead they are having to work in factories. Regional and National Community The ethical concern facing the Regional and National Community beyond China is mostly to do with the Environment. The factories in China in which Foxconn own to manufacture the supplies for Apple create and let off a lot of pollution which is spreading across the seas into H.K and Taiwan. This is then impacting the environment second hand in another community. A business can also be affected by acting unethically in one community but having it pass on to the next through media. Once a community sees what the business is doing in another community they may be less willing to engage with that particular business, this creates a bad reputation for the business. Pressure GroupsEnvironmental pressure groups consistently force issues into the publics attention and therefore pressure both governments and business leaders into action. In terms of Child Labor, U.N.I.C.E.F is a pressure group that stands up for childrens rights. Along with promoting the importance of education for children living in communities where work seems like the only option U.N.I.C.E.F will fund the education. The roles that pressure groups such as U.N.I.C.E.F play in encouraging these businesses to act ethically is extremely vital and so important as without them the businesses would just do whatever is easiest. Overseeing BodiesOverseeing bodies such as the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and Governments are needed to deal with these ethical questions that concern us about our businesses. National, Continental and International bodies are taking all sorts of action to monitor the activities of business around the world. Examples of these overseeing bodies are: UK Government United Nations (UN) European Union (EU) World Trade Organisation (WTO) World Health Organisation (WHO) Concerns of Communities Here I will be taking the issues mentioned above and explaining how businesses could improve their corporate social responsibility. In terms of the Environment and Child Labor concerning the community due to unethical behaviour from Foxconn and Apple there are ways they could eliminate these. EnvironmentThe environment is not just having an effect in one community but is traveling on and having a second hand effect on neighbouring communities much like the second hand smoking effect only this is second hand pollution. Due to the business acting unethically and producing masses amounts of pollution from Foxconn factories manufacturing Apple products the environment is having a beating. This is effecting the rise of global warming aiding it to go faster. The mining of the raw materials is also impacting our environment badly as they are not going about it the correct way. Ways in which Apple can eliminate these unethical environmental concerns is by hiring another company to manufacture their products, although this may mean they need to spend more as one company may be more expensive than another. However, by doing so Apple will no longer be seen as acting unethically as they will not be associated with an unethically partnering company. Foxconn however can eliminate these unethical environmental concerns but it will take more than one step. They need to consider ways in which they can produce what they are producing but ethically. For example, they can start by sourcing the raw material in an ethical way such as mining in areas that are specifically designed to be mined in and recycling the waste materials they do not use. Child LabourChild Labouring is a horribly unethical thing to be associated with and both Foxconn and Apple should be very ashamed of themselves. Due to the hiring of underage children to work in factories manufacturing Apple products both Foxconn and Apple are guilty of this unethical act that is a concern the business needs to face. Apple once again can eliminate this problem quite easily, they can drop Foxconn and find another company to manufacture their products, hopefully a company that doesnt use Child Labour. Again this might cost them more but they should consider whether it is worth saving their money of a childs rights. For Foxconn is little tougher to eliminate this problem as it a reputation they will always carry, however Child Labouring only occurs in certain communities where education is limited for children so working is really their only option. Foxconn can spend more money and open a factory to manufacture the products in another community or country (if needed) so that they cant be exposed to the Child Labouring temptations. The Environment and Child Labor concerning the community due to unethical behaviour from Foxconn and Apple can be prevented by considering and acting upon the suggestions I have made above but there are many more unethical concerns facing these businesses and those also need to be sorted before the business is somewhat considered ethical. Social Impacts Here I will be describing the social implications of business ethics facing Apple in its different areas of activity: Apple has been acting unethically and we can see from this report in the Guardian, Apple has been known to use child labour. The business ethics issues that I believe effect society as a whole are ethics in Finance, Human Resource Management and Sales and Marketing. Ethics in finance relates to issues like bribery, executive pay, insider trading and lobbying and it is a concern to society because it involves all sorts of illegal corruption. Ethics in human resource management includes discrimination, worker surveillance and is a concern to society because it is about the rights of society and employees of the business. Ethics in sales and marketing for example, spamming, shills, product placement, green washing are concerns to society because it is just a way of generating sales and can end up having a baggage pile on society. The implications of these issues for the business are different for each issue. For ethics in finance the business can face legal and regulatory concerns if they are caught demonstrating insider trading. The business is currently keeping a close eye on the stock exchange activity within the business to make sure no one is taking advantage of it. For ethics in sales and marketing faces a potential bad reaction from customers if they keep green washing their products in marketing. Currently the business is doing nothing to address this. As for the child labor Apple face legal concerns as it is against the law. According to the report Apple let the children go and pay for their education in a school of their familys choice. Judging the Impacts For this I will be focusing on the issue of Apples Child Labour use. Apple might deal with the issue of Child Labour by eliminating the problem and sticking to their code